Girl Guide

Girl Guide in our school is founded in 1977. Members come from F.1 to F.6. Our activities enable girls to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world. We provide girls with opportunities for self-training in the development of character, responsible citizenship and service in their own and world communities.

Youth Red Cross

We are one of the School Clubs under Hong Kong Red Cross Youth Unit (YU096). Members are encouraged to embrace the mission of protecting life and health, serving the community, attaining personal growth and putting the spirit of humanity in action so as to ‘care for people in crisis’. We provide training on first aid and health care skills, health and hygiene education, community service and health-check skills.

升旗隊 Flag-guards


  1. 促進國民教育,培養學生國家觀念和民族感情;
  2. 培育學生自律守紀、互相合作的精神,推廣服務學習,助人自助;
  3. 學生透過團隊活動,學習與人相處,使各方面得以均衡發展。
  • And behold, I am with you always, Until the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)
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