22-23 Cata Pillar Camp

2023-07-31 (Monday)
Category : School Activity


F6 Cheng Hong Nam
In the camp, I challenged myself. My English isn't good, so the reason I joined this camp was to challenge myself and improve my English. After the camp, I feel that my confidence in speaking English has improved a lot. In the camp, we needed to speak English even if we didn't like it. Therefore, this experience made me realize that speaking English is not difficult. I think I may join again next time too.

F6 Leung Cheuk Lam Cherrie
After participating in the Cata-Pillar Camp, I feel that my state of mind has reached a new level. The theme of this camp was 'Embrace the Ordinary, Live in the Moment.' One of the sessions involved exchanging stories with others. This session was meaningful, and it helped me learn to love and appreciate myself more!

F5 Lam Yi Kwan
During the past summer holiday, I joined a program called Hong Kong Future Pioneers, which was organized by the Hong Kong Outstanding Student Union. In this program, I not only learned more about various mental health issues but also learned to understand the feelings of people facing mental problems, which touched me deeply. In my group, we studied a topic about LGBT and transgender people. We met some guests and invited them to share their experiences. I respect their bravery and it also changed my conservative mindset towards them.

  • 原來愛天主,就是遵行祂的誡命,而祂的誡命並不沉重。(若一 5:3)
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