3rd Greater Bay Area AI & Tech Innovation Challenge

2024-08-20 (Tuesday)
Category : School Activity
Six VC students participated in the “3rd Greater Bay Area AI & Tech Innovation Challenge” organized by the Education Innovation Research Institute in the Greater Bay Area on August 20. In this competition, the students programmed an AI robot car and controlled an IoT robot car to accomplish a series of tasks according to the competition's rules. Their hard work, creativity, and perseverance helped them tackle challenges and ultimately earned them the Bronze Award.

3rd Greater Bay Area AI & Tech Innovation Challenge

Prize Winners


F3 Yeung Nok Yan
F3 Law Yuen Tung
F3 Lee Hoi Kiu
F3 Leung Ching Yin
F3 Yeung Chi Sum
F3 Chan Yan Yiu

Bronze award

  • Happy is the man who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding! (Prv 3:13)
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